
Success in Motions to Be Removed from Megan’s Law in New Jersey

Recently, the Law Office has been successful in winning several motions to be removed from Megan’s Law in counties where no other motions have been brought before the Court other than by this office. In fact, one of these motions was objected to by the county Prosecutor’s Office, and we still won the motion to the client removed from Megan’s Law.
In both cases, over 15 years had passed since the person had been convicted of the sex crime, and there were no new arrests. We were able to prove that the person did not pose a risk to the community and in turn the motion was granted. There are some sex crimes that are disqualified from removal, but most are not. It is imperative that if you qualify for removal that you file the motion immediately, with the assistance of counsel, as it is likely that a Federal Law will come into effect in New Jersey and removal will likely not be able to be obtained within the same time periods.

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