
Juvenile Arrest in Monmouth County result with a Deferred Disposition

If a juvenile commits an offense which is classified as a felony offense it is likely that he or she will be appearing before a family court judge in the Superior Court of the County where the juvenile resides. In some situations, the case could be diverted to a refugee or the JCC, but if the juvenile was arrested with other individuals who have prior delinquent histories, or the offense is serious then it is likely that the juvenile will be appearing before a Superior Court Judge.

The Law Office of Tara Breslow has been extremely successful in getting favorable results with juvenile matters. I believe that it is very important that juveniles do not have any type of adjudicated delinquency record. For example, if a juvenile is put on probation and they are applying for Federal loans for college it is likely that he or she can be denied. In addition, if the juvenile is arrested in the future any record of juvenile delinquency can have negative effects on any future cases. Also, if a juvenile is applying to college and he or she is faced with questions regarding prior arrests, it is imperative that their matter is handled properly so that he or she can answer those questions in a truthful way while not jeopardizing their likelihood of acceptance.

If a matter can be resolved with a deferred disposition, then the juvenile will be put on probation for a period of time and if they comply with the conditions imposed, and they are not arrested again, the matter will be disposed of. Thus, the juveniles poor judgement will not effect their future. It is imperative that the juvenile has an experienced criminal defense lawyer on their side, making sure that he or she has a the best results.

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